Mustguseal Version History

Table of changes


Version Date Description of changes Influence over the default output
1.0 19.06.2017 - -
1.1 02.02.2018 The "Select representative set below 40% sequence identity" parameter has been implemented and can take one of the two values - "No" or "Yes". This parameter can influence the selection of the representative set of protein structures at the Structure similarity search step of the protocol. The default setting is "No". See the Mustguseal Paramaters for details. In addition, some routines were optimized for a better computational performance in terms of speed and memory usage. No influence, i.e. the default output of the version 1.1 is identical to the version 1.0
- 28.04.2018 Database update. PDB: 139 066 structures; Swiss-Prot: 557 275 sequences; TrEMBL: 114 737 512 sequences -
1.2 29.05.2018 An option to enable the MAPU tool at building larger alignments has been implemented. MAPU prepares a more compact version of the final alignment by removing columns which contain a gap in all representative proteins. Such a trimmed version of the alignment, while retaining the most content-rich columns, is usually much smaller in size and thus requires a significantly less computational effort at further processing. You can now build custom multiple alignments of protein families/superfamilies containing up to 50 000 proteins. Read more. In addition, some routines were further optimized for a better computational performance in terms of speed and memory usage. No influence, i.e. the default output of the version 1.2 is identical to the version 1.0
1.3 23.07.2018 Scenarios panel is introduced in the Mustguseal web-interface. Scenarios can be used in Modes 1 and 2 to instantly load a pre-selected collection of parameters to construct a multiple protein alignment for a particular purpose. No influence, i.e. the default output of the version 1.3 is identical to the version 1.0
- 28.10.2018 Database update: PDB - 144 960 structures; -
- 17.11.2018 Database update: Swiss-Prot - 558 590 sequences; TrEMBL - 126 780 198 sequences -
- 03.08.2019 Database update: Swiss-Prot - 560 537 sequences; TrEMBL - 167 736 824 sequences -
- 11.08.2019 Database update: PDB - 154 735 structures; -
1.4 22.06.2020 Major hardware upgrade. Code optimized for compatibility and to increase performance on the new hardware. As a result, some limits have been lifted (see here for details). No influence, i.e. the default output of the version 1.4 is identical to the version 1.0
- 07.06.2020 Database update: Swiss-Prot - 562 253 sequences; TrEMBL - 180 690 447 sequences -
- 19.06.2020 Database update: PDB - 164 228 entries (474 693 individual protein chains); -
1.5 30.08.2020 The special-purpose Mode 4 was implemented to assist the preparation of input data to the Zebra3D utility. Brief description is provided here. No influence, i.e. the default output of the version 1.5 is identical to the version 1.0
1.6 13.01.2021 Zebra3D analysis with the default settings is now carried out automatically and on-line in the special-purpose Mode 4, right after the 3D-alignment is constructed. The Zebra3D results can be downloaded from the Mustguseal results page. To change the default parameters, download the 3D-alignment to your computer and run Zebra3D locally. More information about Zebra3D analysis is provided here. No influence, i.e. the default output of the version 1.6 is identical to the version 1.0
- 11.07.2021 Database update: Swiss-Prot - 565 254 sequences (2021_03); TrEMBL - 219 174 961 sequences (2021_03); PDB - 179 842 structures -
- 01.05.2022 Database update: Swiss-Prot - 566 996 sequences; TrEMBL - 230 296 938 sequences; PDB - 190 404 structures -
- 31.12.2023 Database update: Swiss-Prot - 570 420 sequences; TrEMBL - 251 131 639 sequences; PDB - 202 540 structures (591 686 chains) -