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Tutorial 2: Including ligands in protein simulation Molecule parametrizationParametrization will be demonstrated on formate anione (HCOO-) that is a very simple molecule. There is General Amber Force Field (GAFF) that has parameters for almost all the organic molecules and it's compatible with ff99SB macromolecular force field. AmberTools package contains antechamber and parmchk programs designed to be used with GAFF and very helpful for new molecule parametrization. So antechamber identifies bonds and assignes atom types and parmchk finds for missing parameters. In this tutorial we will follow the classical parametrization ptocedure so molecular geometry will be optimized by PC Gamess at the MP2/6-31G* level of theory, molecular electrostatic potential will be calculated by PC Gamess at the HF/6-31G* level of theory, charges will be fitted by RESP that ships with AmberTools package.
At the beginning you have to get file formate.pdb of formate coordinates, for example you could draw formate in ACD/ChemSketch. Then you could use Ante_R.E.D. and R.E.D scripts to facilitate
geometry optimization and charge derivation. Set ICHARG=-1, MPLEVL=2 and METHOD=NUMERIC in formate-pcg.inp and run geometry optimization: pcgamess -i formate-pcg.inp -o Mol_red1.log
Rename formate-out.p2n to Mol_red1.p2n. REMARK TITLE Formate REMARK CHARGE-VALUE -1 REMARK MULTIPLICITY-VALUE 1 Give equivalent names to oxygens in third column of Mol_red1.p2n to ensure equal charges on these equal atoms: ATOM 1 C1 FMT 1 18.985 -18.115 0.023 C ATOM 2 H1 FMT 1 18.887 -17.159 0.581 H ATOM 3 O2 FMT 1 18.003 -18.782 -0.210 O1 ATOM 4 O2 FMT 1 20.208 -18.535 -0.398 O2 Run R.E.D. in the folder that contains Mol_red1.p2n and Mol_red1.log to calculate charges: perl RED.pl > RED.log
Coordinates and charges will be written in file Mol_m1-o1.mol2.
antechamber -i Mol_m1-o1.mol2 -fi mol2 -o formate.mol2 -fo mol2
Coordinates, charges and atom types will be written in file formate.mol2. In our case parmchk couldn't find parameters describing C-H bond and O-C-H angle of formate in GAFF. But it have proposed possible ones: BOND c -h5 357.50 1.078 same as c2-h5 ANGLE o -c -h5 55.400 120.000 same as hc-c -o
After analysing GAFF atom type defination you could conclude that proposed parameters are appropriate. br>
Now you should replace equilibrium bond lengths and angle values in formate.frcmod by ones obtained from geometry optimization. Here is the final formate.frcmod: AMBER FF94 and FF99 Formate Params MASS CG 12.01 HB 1.008 OA 16.00 BOND CG-HB 357.5 1.140 CG-OA 648.0 1.260 ANGL HB-CG-OA 55.4 114.52 OA-CG-OA 79.1 130.97 DIHE IMPROPER HB-OA-CG-OA 1.1 180.0 2. NONB CG 1.9080 0.086 HB 1.3590 0.015 OA 1.6612 0.210 And here is essential part of formate.mol2: @ Finally you should create formate.lib file: tleap -s -f leaprc.ff99SB> FMT = loadmol2 formate.mol2 > saveoff FMT formate.lib > quit It is worth mentioning that atomic charges are paramount parameters in Amber force field. In this tutorial only very simple protocol of charge derivation was considered in laconic manner. To learn more about charge development read through detailed tutorials on q4md-forcefieldtools.org. By Dmitry Nilov, last modified: 14.03.11 |